MaxiFocus Sublingual Spray – Contains high levels of key carotenoids Lutein and Zeaxanthin, together with 22 vitamin and minerals identified in a major study as being essential for eye health.
Recommended dosage: 4 sprays 3 times per day for the first 3 bottles then reduce to 2 sprays 3 times per day.
Massager Pin Hole Glasses can improve blood flow and relieve eyestrain and headaches caused by computer work, farsightedness, nearsightedness and Presbyopia. Pinhole Massager Glasses can relax tired eyes, build up the flexibility of your eyes, and can, in some cases, reduce your current prescription.
Recommended use: 5-10 minutes twice per day.
MSM+Silver Water Drops are recommended for all eye conditions and are an inexpensive self treatment.
HealthPoint MicroCurrent Stimulation uses a gentle cotton bud probe to safely apply a tiny electrical impulse to the acupressure points around the eyes. Stimulates ATP and cellular regeneration and has been shown in studies to improve the overall success.
Recommended use: Stimulate appropriate MicroCurrent points. Treatments per day for the first 2-4 weeks, and once per day thereafter.