Photophobia Light Sensitivity Testimonials

“My sensitivity to bright lights was overwhelming and I didn’t know what was going to happen next. I was worried that my eyesight was going to go completely. Thank goodness I found your site when I did! Along with taking serrapeptase I am also following your healthy...

Retinal Artery and Vein Occlusion Testimonial

My eyesight in my left eye has improved over 50% “CRVO stands for Central Retinal Vein Occlusion and I have been blind for over ten years in my left eye by a partial occlusion… I have pursued herbal supplements very actively and found nothing until I started...

Retinitis Pigmentosa Testimonials

“My doctor an optician both told me that I should be prepared to go blind from my retinitis pigmentosa. I felt unsure of what to do and knew that the drugs they offered weren’t going to have much effect. I came across your information on the web and have been amazed...

Fuchs’ Dystrophy Testimonials

Relief at Last For Fuchs’ Dystrophy Sufferer “My fuchs’ dystrophy has improved greatly since taking your serrapeptase. I had the condition in one of my eyes, but since taking your supplement I am beginning to see clearly again…the clouding is nearly gone and the pain...